Sunset and Surf

January 14, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Note:  Click on the pictures to view them in the gallery in larger sizes.

On Sunday afternoon, I was traveling home after a full day of church, dinner out with the family, and a little grocery shopping when I noticed the beautiful light pouring through the clouds which were tightly scattered across the sky. Wanting to get some pictures of the rays of sun filtering down to the ocean off of Pemaquid Point, I headed the 10 miles toward home to change my clothes and grab my camera and tripod.

I know, I know. I never should be out and about without my camera and tripod, (head hanging down…) but I wasn’t dressed for climbing around on the rocks anyway.

Unfortunately, by the time I had changed, gathered all my gear, and headed the 3 miles to Pemaquid Point it was only a half hour until sunset. The great light I had been seeing was gone, but I arrived at the Point and found incredible surf rolling in to the rocks.

As there were already plenty of people gathered around shooting in the obvious places, I clambered down the rocks toward a small cove where I could shoot across to the opposite point and the setting sun. The spray may not be as spectacular as in the “obvious places”, but the light was wonderful, as were the circling gulls in the sunset.

Heading HomeHeading Home


I shot most of these photographs with my 18-200mm zoom lens so I could capture the power of the waves surging across the cove, although the “blue” sunset at the top was shot with my Canon 10 – 22mm wide angle lens outfitted with a neutral density filter and a polarizing filter in order to capture the beautiful clouds.

Peace Above the StormPeace Above the Storm


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